A former startup, SpechtLab is now the only high-tech R&D company that provides the most precise and user friendly solutions for production lines of the chains of iron and steel industry by developing spechtacular software and hardware products and focusing on the best customer service.
As a core start, the old logo was something to rise on as a brand heritage, but we knew that the brand needed to expand much more. Passion, determination and teamwork were among the brand's values, and we had to communicate not from a friendlier point as the old identity did successfully, but from an expert view. SpechtLab was not "a team of enthusiastic kids doing tech stuff" anymore. They had to be the "precise expert with too few competitors in the world" within their area.
Bringing accuracy, precision, determination and serious expertise into the game, the new identity takes it into a higher level —a level that the business seeks. Being simple and minimal, adding a sufficient amount of contrast between the sharp edges (for precision) and the circular paths (for sincerity), heading the red headed "specht" (which means "woodpecker" in German) towards to future -it was headed towards left, but it is now to the right-, and adding a subtle gradient to make it more lively, the new SpechtLab logo and identity provides a total new era for the brand.